Sunday 28 October 2007

Starting to Animate PP, Tree and Water

Started to animate PP, not much further from earlier animatic. Adjusted Tree, darkened slightly and added roots. Started to animate leaves.

Spent some time trying to get water to work. Animated water using several layers and adjusting the colour on the bottom layer. This gives a more realistic appearance when the pump enters the water, as it is semi transparent. The same will apply to Lolas trunk. Original water image texture was created by Saskia.

Have experimented a lot in After Effects with compositing and layers to see what will work best. It is best to do as much as possible on separate layers. Exporting out .mov files. By saving files with Millions of Colours Plus you can get transparency, if this does not work we can use keying to knock out the background. These layers are vital for the animation to work especially when Lola and PP interact with the water.

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